Lesson: An Introduction to Integer Stories Week/Lesson #: 1 Amount of Time(period/days): 60 minutes, 1 math period | |
Guiding or Unit Questions:
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Massachusetts State Standards: GENERAL STANDARD 19: Writing 19.16 Write brief research reports with clear focus and supporting detail. 19.17 Write a short explanation of a process that includes a topic statement, supporting details, and a conclusion. GRADES 5–6 LEARNING STANDARDS: Number Sense and Operations 6.N.6 Find and position integers (both positive and negative) on the number line. 6.N.7 Compare and order integers (including negative integers) 6.N.9 Select and use appropriate operations to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and positive integer exponents with whole numbers 6.N.13 Accurately and efficiently add, subtract, multiply, and divide (with double-digit divisors) whole numbers. 6.N.15 Add and subtract integers, with the exception of subtracting negative integers. ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY BENCHMARKS AND OUTCOMES FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS
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Materials/Technology: |
Factual Knowledge | Students will know:
Procedural Knowledge | Students will be able to:
Conceptual Knowledge | Students will understand:
Outline of Steps in Lesson:
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Assessments Formative and Summative Tools | The first draft of the integer is due by Friday. Students will receive credit for turning in the rough draft. It will be editing by the teacher over the weekend and each student will conference with the teacher in the next week. |

My Life as An Integer Story
Massachusetts State Standards:
19.16 Write brief research reports with clear focus and supporting detail.
19.17 Write a short explanation of a process that includes a topic statement, supporting details, and a conclusion.
GRADES 5–6 LEARNING STANDARDS: Number Sense and Operations
6.N.6 Find and position integers (both positive and negative) on the number line.
6.N.7 Compare and order integers (including negative integers)
6.N.9 Select and use appropriate operations to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and positive integer exponents with whole numbers
6.N.13 Accurately and efficiently add, subtract, multiply, and divide (with double-digit divisors) whole numbers.
6.N.15 Add and subtract integers, with the exception of subtracting negative integers.
Understands words and phrases of grade-level academic content, including technical and abstract terms. (S.1.25)
Creates media production using images, text, sound, and/or graphics. (W.5.13)
Writes short accounts of personal or familiar experiences, including academic topics. (W.2.7a)
Writes brief research reports with clear focus and supporting detail. (W.2.8f)
Participates in classroom discussion and other academic interactions using basic and and complex sentence structures (S.3.65)

Essential Question:
Essential Question:
What are integers and where can we find them in our daily lives?
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