My Life as An Integer Story

In this project-based assignment, we have incorporated our math abilities with our writing abilities. We have written stories describing where we see integers in our own lives. Our stories include all the operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Massachusetts State Standards:


19.16 Write brief research reports with clear focus and supporting detail.

19.17 Write a short explanation of a process that includes a topic statement, supporting details, and a conclusion.

GRADES 5–6 LEARNING STANDARDS: Number Sense and Operations

6.N.6 Find and position integers (both positive and negative) on the number line.
6.N.7 Compare and order integers (including negative integers)

6.N.9 Select and use appropriate operations to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and positive integer exponents with whole numbers

6.N.13 Accurately and efficiently add, subtract, multiply, and divide (with double-digit divisors) whole numbers.

6.N.15 Add and subtract integers, with the exception of subtracting negative integers.


  • Understands words and phrases of grade-level academic content, including technical and abstract terms. (S.1.25)

  • Creates media production using images, text, sound, and/or graphics. (W.5.13)

  • Writes short accounts of personal or familiar experiences, including academic topics. (W.2.7a)

  • Writes brief research reports with clear focus and supporting detail. (W.2.8f)

  • Participates in classroom discussion and other academic interactions using basic and and complex sentence structures (S.3.65)

Essential Question:

Essential Question:
What are integers and where can we find them in our daily lives?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Integers All Around Us

In my life I see integers basically everywhere I go. Not only do I see integers, I use them in multiplication, addition, subtraction, and division.
When I go shoe shopping or just even shopping I see positive numbers for my shoe size and clothes. For example, in my sneakers it says size 5. Also my age, 13, is a positive number.
When I go to the hospital and then the doctors weigh me my weight is positive. Or if I loose weight, like 2 pounds, then I could weigh -2lbs.
We use negative numbers in weather when we talk about temperature that is below zero like -5 degrees F.
One day when I was watching TV, I saw that a golf game that was on and then I saw that the scores of the golf game were negative—they were -6 and -8.
At the store I use subtraction. If I buy something for 4 dollars and then give the cashier a 10-dollar bill, then we would be using integers because 4 and 10 are whole numbers. The cashier would take away the four dollars form the 10-dollar bill and give me the change. The cashier would give me 6 dollars I could also write that as -6 dollars.
I use addition when I use money. For example, if I had 20 dollars and 5 dollars altogether I would have 25 dollars, because 20 dollars + 5 dollars is 25 dollars.
I could use addition to see how far it is from my house to the store. On the way to the store, I would measure the distance using a positive integer, but when I go back home I will go to the negative direction. From my house to the store it is 100ft, in the negative direction it will be -100ft. I found out how many feet it is from my house to the store by using a measuring tape. To find how many minutes it takes to walk from my house to the store I would do 100/ 10 = 10 minutes or -100/10= -10 minutes.
One time 2 of my friends came over my house and I had 30 pieces of candy on the table. So I had to figure out how many pieces of candy they each would get including me. Since there was three of us I had to divide, 30/3=10 so we each would get 10 pieces of candy. If each of us had 3 boxes of cookies and 20 was in each box, then the total number of amount of cookies that we had would be 60, because 3x20 is 60.
As you can see, I use and see integers all the time in my everyday life. Integers are important because we use them to count and without integers we probably would never be able to do half the things we do today with numbers.

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